The clinical use of the Zulliger Test in the assessment of personality functioning and psychopathology
The Zulliger Test, or more commonly Z-Test, is a projective psychodiagnostic instrument developed by Hans Zulliger in 1942. Like the Rorschach test, it is based on the interpretation of inkblot tables, which in this specific case are three. Born as a test for collective administration, it was then also adapted in the individual mode and applied both in the organizational and clinical evaluation.
This work proposes a review of the literature on the main studies conducted on the Z-Test, in order to better frame the current state of the art on the applicability of this interesting but neglected instrument, with particular attention to the clinical evaluation. In this context and in particular in individual administration, the studies available in the literature highlight good reliability and validity, however they are small and this discourage the use of the test, nowadays mainly adopted in the selection evaluation.